Not a fan of a phone call. You may not be alone!

You always have to find time to appreciate the little things in life. The chance to sleep in when there’s no work to be done, the time you get to spend at home with the family or even just the time you get to spend talking with friends. Right now, I want to focus on [...]

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Forming Better Relationships Between Home and School

A child’s formative years need to be handled carefully if the child in question is to have true success later in life, and this means that every aspect of the child’s life must be handled properly. Throughout these years, the people that will have the highest degrees of influence on the children will be the [...]

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Relating to the Current Generation with Business Texting

The younger age groups have a lot of say over what happens inside the marketplace. This is why so many of the largest corporations have remade their images in some form or fashion in an attempt to resonate with this younger stable of potential customers. It may initially seem as counterintuitive to put way too [...]

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Maximizing the Efficiency of Corporate Communication with Business Text Messaging

Any given business model that has had any measure of success has likely managed to do so due in large part to its ability to be significantly efficient. Companies long for the business model that they find to be the most efficient because being efficient means that more quality work is getting done in a [...]

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What happened to customer loyalty?

Loyalty can only be expected when the relationship of both parties is on good terms. When one party perceives that it is getting the short end of the stick, then loyalty can start to fly out the window. In the context of business, customer loyalty works much in the same way. Perceived indifference is the [...]

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Corporate Success And Communication

Business is built upon a solid foundation of a good product and/or service, a core group of employees that are working towards a single goal of improving the company, and the ability to connect and appeal with potential customers. Take one of these three things away and a business is bound to fail. Having that [...]

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9.6 Trillion And Climbing

Tracking The Annual Growth Of Text Messaging 9.6 trillion! Take a moment to account for the sheer volume indicated by this figure.  9.6 trillion, in the plainest of terms, is huge. So to what specific thing is the number 9.6 trillion associated to? Is it the deficit? Is it the number of grains of sand [...]

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Big Business Automation

txtmeQuick makes big business automation accessible to small and medium organizations It’s tough not to marvel at just how well those really big and really successful businesses manage and run themselves. Call them faceless all you want but there is no way to deny the fact that they have discovered the secret to properly running a business. Unsurprisingly, those [...]

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If It Is Written, It Is …

Presenting the Written Word with the Aid of Technology The power of words never ceases to amaze. With one kind word to a friend, you can lift their spirits to greater heights, taking them out any rut they may have previously been in. With one kind word to a lover, you can make them feel [...]

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Finding Customers

Reaching Out to the Customers - The Most Effective Way Success in business is directly related to a company??s ability to be able to reach its desired customer base. A company can possess some of the finest products in their industry and still fail to do anything of significance because they are simply not known [...]

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Trending Today: Customer Loyalty

Establishing Loyalty through a Clear Line of Communication Soldiers are so highly revered within society and deservedly so. They receive the admiration of the general public because they are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in the name of protecting their country and the people within it. Such bravery truly is extraordinary, but what also [...]

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Upgrade Your Service Industry Response

Improving the service industry with the integration of business texting Personalities within the service industry face the unique challenge of trying to stand out from a pack wherein everyone else's selling point is their supposed uniqueness as well. After all, there can't be four best doctors in just a single town in Michigan. Members of [...]

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