Real Life Use Case Benefits

Effective Multi-industry Engagement

Customer Engagement: Encourage your customers to interact by providing them with a familiar communication channel.

Targeted Advertising: Engage with consumers by conducting a targeted advertising campaign on the channel that they access most regularly.

Service Efficiencies: Auto-respond, auto-translate, auto-schedule, and other features are designed to eliminate human error and free valued workers to focus on more complicated aspects of work.

Experience Improvement: Keep customers satisfied by eliminating long waits on hold, addressing concerns in a timely manner, and being accessible at a time and pace of their choosing.

Communication Optimization: Maximize the impact of your communications by leveraging the full range of services offered on the txtmeQuick Enhanced Messaging Platform.

Why upgrade your phone numbers with text messaging ?


1. Efficient: texting is quick and direct

2. Ubiquitous: texting is universally accessible

3. Familiar: texting is dialogue on a popular platform

     Text message dialogues between individuals and organizations will facilitate:

  • Sales & Donations
  • Marketing & Branding
  • Reservations & Scheduling
  • Customer Service & Fulfillment
  • Internal & External Communications
  • Supply Chain & Inventory Management
  • Logistics & More …

Applications & Benefits: txtmeQuick’s specific applications vary by industry, however, the benefit of being able to communicate on your audience’s preferred platform is universal. All clients also benefit from their creation of a personal business intelligence database that is prime for analysis. Other benefits include:

  • Cost savings over traditional voice communication platforms
  • Enhanced customer experiences through direct information exchanges
  • Enhanced employee morale due to process improvements
  • Increased sales due to unrestrained accessibility and engagement
  • Improved customer satisfaction and loyalty through a continuous dialogue

These are just samplings of txtmeQuick’s benefits and applications. Communication, the basis to all engagement strategies, is crucial to customer satisfaction, internal logistics, operating plans, process improvements, and revenue streams. Forward thinking companies are already learning how to improve their engagement strategies by leveraging the benefits of text messaging.

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